Advancements in the Clean Energy Sector

(Tecnoligente, 2019) Since 2019, there has been an increase in the installation of Solar Panels in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, a great tourist destination of great importance within the pacific coast of Mexico. Solar energy is a viable option for an alternative energy source in Puerto Vallarta due to its renewability and the increasing competition of photovoltaic solar energy production as a result of the constant reduction in 70% of photovoltaic technology prices since 2010. Not to mention that 85% of the territory has optimal conditions for the development of solar energy panels, which is monitored digitally and automatically in real time and takes into account environmental parameters.

One of the greatest advantages in the implementation of solar panels in Puerto Vallarta is the reduction of CO2 emissions generated in the production of electricity through the solar panels. It’s a worthwhile alternative that will minimize the environmental impact of energy production and maintain one of the greatest attractions of Puerto Vallarta, which is its biodiversity. According to the Secretary of Energy (SENER), for each kW installed there is an annual reduction of 5.3 kilograms of sulfur dioxide emissions, and each kW installed saves up to 1000 liters of water per year.

  • The U.S. annually accumulates about 2,000 mt of spent fuel.27
  • Spent fuel is placed in a storage pool of circulating cooled water to absorb heat and block the high radioactivity of fission products.
  • Many countries reprocess used nuclear fuel, which educes waste and extracts 25-30% more energy than non-reprocessed fuel.
  • Many U.S. spent fuel pools are reaching capacity, necessitating the use of dry cask storage, which consist of large concrete and stainless steel containers designed to passively cool radioactive waste and withstand natural disasters or large impacts.
  • Ten years after use, the surface of a spent fuel assembly releases 10,000 rem/hr of radiation (a dose of 500 rem is lethal to humans if received all at once).